
Priest Supercharged!

After Paddy had jumped a red light and smashed into another car, he dashed over to the other vehicle to discover that the driver was a priest. "Good God, man," said the badly shaken priest, "you almost killed me!." "I am really sorry for that," said Paddy, taking a bottle from his pocket. "Drink some of this whiskey for your nerves," offered Paddy. The grateful priest gulped down some of the whiskey, and then started shouting again, "What do you think you were doing?" he asked. "I am lucky to be alive!." "Oh, Father," said, Paddy, "I am sorry. You will feel a lot better after you have drunk some more of this." The priest had a few more stiff shots and then asked, "Why don't you have a drink?" "I don't drink, thank you Father," said Paddy.
"I will just sit here and wait for the police."


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